Antenatal Care

Antenatal shared care is joint care of a pregnant woman by her GP and the hospital antenatal clinic. For low-risk pregnancies, shared care can provide flexibility, convenience, and continuity of care throughout pregnancy and beyond. It gives women more time to discuss concerns with a familiar GP of their choice and can reduce the number of hospital visits needed.
Pregnancy is an exciting time for families, every pregnancy journey is different. We take a person-centered approach and welcome your questions about your pregnancy, birthing and caring for your baby in those precious first months at home.
We will arrange any initial blood tests and ultrasounds, assess your health and any risks you or your baby may have, and can discuss any additional concerns. We can also arrange referral to the hospital for midwifery care or care through a private Obstetrician if this is preferred.
Dr Moore is accredited to provide Antenatal Shared Care at Bowral Hospital.
Please phone reception on 4811 1391 for an appointment or book online.